Call for Nominations
Nominations are now being sought for the three WAPOR offices to be filled in this fall’s election. The term of each position begins January 1, 2016 and ends December 31, 2017.
Read moreNominations are now being sought for the three WAPOR offices to be filled in this fall’s election. The term of each position begins January 1, 2016 and ends December 31, 2017.
Read moreThe following email was sent to members of WAPOR on 27 July 2015:
Dear WAPOR friends and colleagues:
I write today with very sad news: Wolfgang Donsbach, former WAPOR president (1996-97), passed away yesterday, 26 July 2015. He was 65.
Read moreBy Timothy P. Johnson, Chair, Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee
Formally launched in early October 2014, AAPOR’s […]
WAPOR is an international professional association whose members recognize the centrality of public opinion in […]
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