Former WAPOR President is Ambassador to U.S.

The first WAPOR event I ever attended was in Mexico City in 1990. Hosted at El Colegio de México, the conference brought international public opinion researchers to discuss opinion polls in a setting that featured an emerging polling profession in a rapidly changing country. The organizer, Miguel Basáñez, was one of the publicly recognized pollsters and, as such, he was a central part of the early education and controversy around survey methodologies and the public role of opinion polls in Mexico.

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Call for Nominations

Nominations are now being sought for the three WAPOR offices to be filled in this fall’s election. The term of each position begins January 1, 2016 and ends December 31, 2017.

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Wolfgang Donsbach (1949-2015)

The following email was sent to members of WAPOR on 27 July 2015:

Dear WAPOR friends and colleagues:

I write today with very sad news: Wolfgang Donsbach, former WAPOR president (1996-97), passed away yesterday, 26 July 2015. He was 65.

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WAPOR 68th Annual Conference | Buenos Aires, June 2015

“The Networks of Public Opinion: New Theories, New Methods”,

For the first time ever, the WAPOR Annual Conference was held in a Latin American country. From June 16 to 19, 2015, Buenos Aires was home to 230 researchers and consultants from over 30 different nations, as well as 40 special guests,

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