Welcome to WAPOR’s spotlight interview section, a new initiative from WAPOR’s Publications Committee, aimed at showcasing the accomplishments, trajectories and stories of our members in the field of public opinion research. The idea of conducting interviews emerged from the larger goal of the Committee to develop and implement new ways to strengthen WAPOR’s voice and our members’ visibility within our international research community. The interviews, which are released here roughly every other month, will primarily feature students and early-career researchers, national representatives as well as regional chapter leaders.
- September 2024: Spotlight Interview with Mao Li and Stephanie Morales (University of Michigan), two of the recipients of the 2024 Janet A. Harkness Student Paper Award
- November 2024: Spotlight Interview with the Leadership of the WAPOR Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Chapter
- January 2025: Spotlight Interview with WAPOR Latinoamérica President Fabián Echegaray (Brazil)