International Journal of Public Opinion Research (IJPOR) Moving to Online Only in 2019

The International Journal of Public Opinion Research (IJPOR) will be published online-only beginning in 2019. As such, you will be able to access published articles and content via the Oxford Academic platform via your member profile at All print editions will be discontinued; we will therefore switch receipt of any member print copies to online access.

The online version of the journal is now considered to be the version of record. In accessing the journal online WAPOR members will benefit from the many digital features such as reference linking, enhanced display of figures, supply of supplementary data and information, Advance Access, Open Access, video, social media feeds, usage information, citation data, and Altmetrics that are not available in the print version. In addition, the journal website is fully mobile-responsive which means you will see the same up to date content on the site regardless of device, and in a format that suits the dimensions of that device.  

Current members can access the journal by signing into your WAPOR account here: Upon signing in, you will see a button ‘IJPOR Access’. If you would like to be informed when a new issue is published online you have the option of signing up for the New Issue content alert. To do this, click to access the journal, and click on the arrow next to your email/username in the top right of the screen. From this menu select ‘Email Alerts’. This will bring up a list of journals you are receiving alerts from and give you the option to sign up for additional alerts. Select the ‘Add Alert’ button under the alert you would like to sign up for and choose the journal/s you would like to receive alerts for. You can change your email preferences at any time by logging into your account and returning to the ‘Email Alert’ page.

We hope that you will see the immediate benefit of this service to you. If you are unsure about your member status, just visit our website, where you can check on your membership to be sure it is active for 2019. If not, we encourage you to renew your membership today! We will be meeting in Toronto in May for the 72nd annual conference, and hope that you will be able to join us!