Regional and Thematic Conferences

Meetings to discuss professional and methodological issues are held at various locations around the world with the aim of bringing WAPOR programs closer to its members, wherever they may be. The most recent regional conferences were held in various locations. Click the links below for more information.

Current Regional and Thematic Conference

Past Regional and Thematic Conferences


  • Trust, participation, civic and political culture
  • Qualitative methodologies (focus groups, in-depth interviews, case studies, panel studies, etc.)
  • Digitization, new sources of information and Big Data
  • Statistical heritage and reliability of public information
  • Design of questionnaires, samples, response and non-response rates
  • Polarization
  • Comparative research on public opinion in Latin America
  • Populism
  • Emerging research with new technologies
  • Political processes and public opinion
  • Public opinion in the era of COVID 19
  • Challenges and methodological improvements
  • public opinion and gender
  • Social media and public opinion
  • Environment, sustainability and climate change
  • Transparency and communication of research data
  • Media, media effects and fake news
  • Voting and Electoral Studies