Paper Presentation Guidelines

  • WAPOR 2024 conference will be held in in-person format; both presenters and audience are required to attend in person. No online attendance or presentation is possible.
  • For every paper to stay on the program, it is required that at least 1 author is registered for attendance. To remain on the program, the presenters’ registration must be completed online by July 5.
  • To ensure maximum participation, every participant can present only once during the conference; any further papers need to be presented by the co-author(s). Several co-authors can present one paper together; in this case the overall presentation time should be divided by the number of presenters.
  • WAPOR conference program consists of special, thematic, and regular parallel sessions; each session includes between 4 and 6 papers. Each session duration is 90 minutes. Authors in six-paper sessions should plan to deliver their research in 10 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for discussion. Authors in five-paper sessions should plan to deliver their research in 12 minutes. Authors in four-paper sessions should plan to deliver their research in no more than 15 minutes. Discussion to follow with the remaining time. We ask that all presenters adhere to these time limits. Before the start of every session, the Chair shall check the number of presenters in presence and adjust the time of presentation if necessary.
  • When preparing your presentation of public opinion research findings, we recommend consulting the WAPOR Code of Professional Ethics and Practice (in particular, section “Rules of Practice Regarding Reports and Study Results”). 
  • It is advisable that oral presentations are accompanied by PowerPoint or PDF slides. To ensure smooth logistics, please, arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the session start to load your presentation onto the PC or laptop provided. For this we can recommend using a flash drive, online file storage, or sending your presentation to yourself in an email.
  • Full papers or presentations in PDF format must be submitted to WAPOR by email ( or by July 12 at the latest. All presentations will be uploaded to the WAPOR archive (
  • On the presentation day, please, bring a copy of your presentation on a flash drive. Alternatively, you can access the presentation through the WAPOR archive.
  • The working language of the WAPOR 2023 conference is English. All presentations and discussion shall take place in English.

Panel Chair Guidelines

  • The main function of Panel Chairs is to moderate and facilitate the presentations and the discussion.
  • Please, arrive some 10-15 minutes prior to the session and remind all speakers to upload their presentations to the PC/ laptop provided in the session room. Please, check if all presenters are in attendance and, if necessary, adjust the time slot for every presenter. Each session duration is 90 minutes. In case of 6 presenters in attendance, the recommended presentation time is 10 minutes per paper. In case of 5 presenters in attendance, the recommended presentation time is 12 minutes per paper. In case of 4 presenters in attendance, the recommended presentation time is 15 minutes per paper. The remaining time shall be used for Q&A and discussion.
  • Check the computer in the meeting room to locate the folder containing the presentations for your session so that it is easily accessible for speakers.
  • Please, start the session on time to ensure all presenters will have sufficient time to deliver their research. Introduce each speaker before their presentation. Keep track of time, make sure the session does not exceed its scheduled end time.
  • As the Chair, you can decide to have a brief discussion after every presentation – or one general discussion at the end. Help guide discussion by calling on people to speak and monitoring the room for questions to pose to the speakers.
  • If possible, plan to reach out to presenters in advance of the conference to obtain brief background information to use when introducing each speaker.

Poster Presentations Guidelines

  • Plan on setting up early – the poster boards will be available beginning at 8:00am on Sunday, July 28. Posters exhibition will take place at the Sungkyunkwan University (25-2, Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea) in the hall area next to the registration desk.
  • Boards will be provided to hang the posters. Participants are advised to bring their posters in one out of two formats up to your choice:
  • Poster A1 (59.4 x 84.1 cm)

  • Poster A0 (84.1 x 118.8 cm) 

  • Poster session of 90 minutes will run in the afternoon on one of the conference dates (check the program draft once available in May). Authors are required to stand by their posters during the entire session. Be prepared to give a brief summary of your research and to answer any questions from visitors.
  • The preferred method of presenting a poster is to provide the information on a single, integrated poster-size sheet containing brief highlights of each of the following: (1) title of presentation, author(s), and affiliation(s); (2) statement of problem/hypotheses; (3) explanation of design and methodology; (4) results; (5) conclusions, recommendations or implications.
  • Although poster sessions may give you time to discuss your project at length, most attendees will be attempting to get an overview of multiple posters being presented in the session. It is best to prepare a quick (1-2 minute) oral summary of the paper for those who have limited time. Having hard copies of your paper or a “fact sheet” from the poster for interested visitors is highly recommended.
  • Posters can stay on the boards in the hall for the whole WAPOR 2024 conference duration (ends at 19.00 on Wednesday, July 31).