2023 WAPOR Call for Nominations

Dear WAPOR members, 

Herewith, WAPOR invites nominations and self-nominations for four Council offices to be filled in elections to be held this year: 

  • Secretary-Treasurer. Is responsible for administering the funds of the Association, overseeing related procedures, and performing such other duties as the Council may prescribe. S/He shall prepare and distribute to all members a report of each Business Meeting and shall submit an annual report to the membership covering his or her activities for the year and the financial situation of the Association at the end of the fiscal year. Serves as the Chair of the WAPOR Finance Committee. 
  • Liaison Committee Chair. Is responsible for all contacts and discussions with the WAPOR Regional Chapters and other associations, including, but not limited to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), the World Association of Research Professionals (ESOMAR), and other international and regional professional research associations, as well as the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), other United Nations agencies, and private international organizations. Serves as the Chair of the WAPOR Liaison Committee. 
  • Membership Committee Chair. Is responsible for the activities to maintain and increase WAPOR membership; oversees and analyses membership statistics; is responsible for the design of the WAPOR annual membership survey. Serves as the Chair of the Membership Committee, which is responsible to recommend to the President individual members to serve as National Representatives. 
  • Publications Committee Chair. Is responsible for the coordination of all publication activities of the Association including, but not limited to journals, newsletters, bulletins, reports, and social media publications. Serves as Chair of the Publications Committee, which is responsible for the appointment of the editor(s) of the International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 

The 2-year period of service of these newly elected positions is from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025. 


Nominations, including self-nominations, are due by October 15 and shall be sent to the WAPOR Executive Director at waporoffice@gmail.com and/or admin@wapor.org. All nominations will be reviewed by the Electoral Committee, who will then prepare a slate of nominations from the individual membership, presenting two or more candidates for each office (Article V, section 3 of the WAPOR Constitution).  

All nominations should mention the name of the nominee, their qualifications, and the position of interest. The nominee’s short bio and/ or a resume should be accompanied by a 1-page statement outlining the reasons why you (or the candidate) is interested in running for a particular position and what areas/ activities/ projects you would like to develop (or the candidate could develop) in this position. One person can submit a nomination for one position only.  


All nominated or self-nominated candidates must be members in good standing (Article V, section 3 of the WAPOR Constitution). Likewise, to be eligible to vote for an office, a member shall have paid their dues 30 days before the start of the election (Article III, section 5 of the WAPOR Constitution). 


Voting will take place over a 4-week period of time in November 2023. All WAPOR members who have their dues paid before October 1 will be eligible to vote in this election. Voting will be organized electronically; an individual personalized link to the electronic ballot will be sent to every member. Voting is anonymous. Results of the elections will be announced no later than December 1. 

Information about the electoral process 

The Electoral Committee of WAPOR, Chaired by the WAPOR Past President, is responsible for the electoral process. All communications to the membership are sent out through the Executive Director for communication to the Committee. 

The committee’s role is to examine all the suggestions that it receives from members and, taking into consideration the essential diversity that we seek on the Council, as well as availability and qualifications, propose two or more candidates for each office. The committee is not limited to the members’ suggestions, it can also seek candidacies. The electoral committee will try to propose slates of candidates that will respect WAPOR goals, and help it grow everywhere and in all the fields in which our organization is or should be active. 

We very much look forward to receiving your nominations! 


WAPOR Electoral Committee