Call for National Representatives 2024

Call for National Representatives 2024

National Representatives at WAPOR serve an important role within the organization promoting the mission of WAPOR in their countries and facilitating advancement of public opinion research domain worldwide. National Representatives are required to maintain membership in WAPOR and familiarity with WAPOR’s Constitution and its Code of Professional Ethics and Practices. They encourage professional colleagues and students to consider WAPOR membership and participation. National Representatives participate in WAPOR’s Freedom Survey conducted every 5 years that serves as the basis for the ESOMAR-WAPOR Freedom in the World Report. National Representatives are invited to contribute information to WAPOR’s newsletter regarding important developments in opinion polling in the country/region. National Representatives also provide a brief annual report and current advice as needed to WAPOR regarding polling-related issues within my county/region including, but not limited to, threats to the freedoms to conduct and publish opinion polls, as well as general trends in the opinion research business. 

Tasks and duties of National Representatives

  1. Agreeing to be listed on WAPOR’s website as my country’s/region’s National Representative as an expert who is available to discuss WAPOR in general and/or specific polling issues in my country/region.
  2. Providing advice as needed to WAPOR regarding polling-related issues within my county/region including, but not limited to, threats to the freedoms to conduct and publish opinion polls, as well as general trends in the opinion research business.
  3. Completing WAPOR’s Annual Country Report for your country and up to one additional country in your region, which is an online survey which WAPOR will initiate in the fourth quarter of 2024.
  4. Contributing information to WAPOR’s newsletter regarding important developments in opinion polling in my country/region in WAPOR’s working language (English) plus one local language if it is different from the WAPOR working language.
  5. Participating in WAPOR’s periodic Freedom Survey which is conducted on-line with National Representatives, WAPOR members and other subject matter experts.
  6. Including a link to WAPOR’s website on my own personal or organizational website.
  7. Initiate and/or participate in one or more events per year with the students, colleagues and the press, educating them on WAPOR’s mission.
  8. Encouraging professional colleagues and students to consider WAPOR membership and participation.
  9. Maintaining membership in WAPOR and knowledge of WAPOR’s Constitution and its Code of Professional Ethics and Practices. 

Terms of service 

National Representatives are appointed by the President for a two-year term, with the possibility of one additional two-year term, for a total of four years. Except for reappointments to fill a seat due to mid-term vacancy, former National Representatives may reprise their position only after two years. National Representatives are required to be members of WAPOR in good standing. 

Countries and Vacancies

WAPOR announces an open call for nominations for the position of WAPOR National Representatives for 2024-2025 in the following countries/ territories: Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Burundi, Congo, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Fiji, Finland, Gabon, Guatemala, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Iceland, Ireland, Liberia, Madagascar, Malta, Mozambique, Namibia, Norway, Oman, Taiwan, Tanzania, Trinidad, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.  


All WAPOR members in good standing are eligible to be their country’s National Representative if they are working (or retired from) the opinion polling field in the country they would represent, in academe, business, government, media non-profits and other organizations commissioning or consuming public opinion polls. 

A person may represent only one country at a time. At the discretion of WAPOR’s Council, National Representatives may be appointed if they reside outside of the country they would represent, as there may be good reasons due to threats to their political freedoms, civil rights and personal safety.


Nominations, including self-nominations, shall be sent to the WAPOR Executive Director at and/or by April 30, 2023. Nomination shall consist of a short bio or resume, accompanied by about 1-page personal statement outlining the reasons for application, past experience with WAPOR and the proposed activities in the role of the National Representative. The name of the nominee and the country they apply to represent shall be clearly listed in the statement. 

All applications will be reviewed by the Membership Committee, and outcomes will be communicated to all applicants by April 30, 2024. The period of service of the newly nominated National Representatives shall comprise 2 years (2024-2025).